Mom, it was never a phase! A phrase most people at X-Tra know all too well. All Time Low finally came back to play a show in Zurich after 8 years apparently. That is way too long! I’m glad I was able to catch this show at X-tra.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from the show, but looking at how a friend of mine is a die-hard All Time Low fan, I had no other choice but to go see what it was all about. I wasn’t disappointed!
Before ATL came on stage, we got to watch Lauran Hibberd open the show. Together with her band, she warmed up the crowd. Her set was very energetic and I loved how you could see how much fun she and the band were having. She got the crowd to clap and jump and enjoy themselves too.
Concert Pictures Lauran Hibberd @ X-Tra, Zurich
While the venue was filling up, the second support act got up on stage. A band I have not heard of – or so I thought. Games We Play was the band’s name. As soon as the lead singer started to sing, I thought his voice and face were familiar. I couldn’t put my finger on it yet. While cracking jokes and putting on a great show it dawned on me. I might have seen him on TikTok… But wasn’t sure at this point. The crowd was really into their set and I could tell some have seen them live and were able to sing along. I really enjoyed it too. The songs are very catchy and how Emmyn (the lead singer) carried the show and entertained us, was really cool. Covering Mr. Brightside was a smart move too 😉
Concert Pictures: Games We Play @ X-Tra, Zurich
Once the clock hit 9 pm, we knew it was time for All Time Low! The venue was not quite sold out, but considering the band hasn’t been around for so long, I guess it was still filled nicely. The fans that did find their way to X-Tra were definitely excited. The bar up front was frequented heavily during the 2 support acts.
All Time Low brought X-Tra to an All Time High
As mentioned, I had no idea what to expect, but I was positively surprised! Not only by the energy on stage, but also down in the crowd. The fans were really excited, apparently, there were lots of people from outside of Switzerland even.

All Time Low really delivered an electrifying performance that left the crowd buzzing with excitement. The band’s energy was contagious, throwing in some major throwback vibes with Alphaville’s song Forever Young that left some fans with major heartbreak 😉 I have to admit, I did not know many songs, but I was still hooked and found myself dancing and enjoying looking at all the happy faces. I recently realized that seeing fans happy and excited gives me sooooo much joy! I know exactly how I feel when I get to see my favorite artists, and witnessing others experience that kind of exhilaration and joy is priceless!

Ending the Show with some Bangers!
While the first part of the set was mostly unknown to me, I did pick up on a few songs I think I’ve heard before, like “Lost in Stereo” or “Basement Noise”. But my personal highlights were for sure the last 3 songs. Encores that hit hard! Monsters was for sure my fave song off their 2020 album “Wake Up, Sunshine”. And the last song, “Dear Maria, Count Me In” doesn’t need any explanation, right? I think everyone knows that song and was waiting for them to perform it. So all in all it was a great night and I now understand my friend (who is a die-hard fan – hi Angie ;-)) a little bit more…

Avril Lavigne in Zurich?
Wait, what? Apart from a great concert, this seems to be the talk of the town. Not sure if it really was her, but a friend’s friend apparently saw her walking down the outside hallway before getting up on the balcony. There were several security men around her. After hearing that, I actually spotted her up on the balcony and I swear it could have been her! It was too far away and too dark to say for sure, but why else would there be so many security dudes around her? I guess we’ll never know if it really was Avril Lavigne at the All Time Low concert in Zurich 🙂
Oh, also…. While bumping into Emmyn from Games We Play in the Hallway, I realized why his face was familiar. I really did see his viral videos on TikTok…
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