It’s been a while since Keane was last in Switzerland. So you can imagine how happy we were when the tour dates for the band around Tom Chaplin finally came out and Zurich was on it. Here are our concert pictures of Keane
Last Friday it was finally time to see them again, we and many other Fans headed over to Oerlikon. The Halle 622 wasn’t sold out, but it was quite nicely filled with around 2500 people.
Before Keane took the stage, the wonderful and talented Eliza Shaddad got her chance to perform her songs. The London based singer stood up on the big stage all by herself, well, with her beautiful guitars that is… She did great and had the audience listen to her songs quietly – just the way it should be actually.
Concert Pictures: Eliza Shaddad @ Halle 622

It’s time for Keane!
Shortly after 9 pm, the lights went out and Keane made their way onto the stage. While the first 3 songs were a blur for me (I guess I’m not the typical woman who can multitask, I really can only concentrate on taking pictures when in the pit), the fans seemed to have fun and they certainly didn’t have to wait for the big hits to roll in. Song 5 and 6 were „Everbody’s Changing“ and „Is it any Wonder“.

The setlist, in general, was a nice mix of old and new.. Kinda like the audience too. For the first time in a while, I actually didn’t feel like the oldest person on the planet – or at a show for that matter. While most songs were more upbeat, we did get one or the other slow song and at some point even an stripped-down version with no band.
Also, Tom really managed to put his foot in it that night. He was telling us how posh their hotel was and kept going on how the whole of Zurich is so posh, everyone walking around with a Louis Vuitton or Gucci bag… It was all good fun, however, it seemed to come out as almost judgemental (I’m sure he didn’t mean it that way). At some point he stopped and started the song, so – I quote “people wouldn’t start throwing things at him” 😀 I do wonder what hotel they stayed at…

2 hours of great songs
Around 10.45 and right after one of my favorite songs „Somewhere only we know“ it seemed like the show was over, but wait. Of course not, let’s do the whole encore spiel again… We did get another 3 songs and I have to admit, I totally fell in love with “Crystel Ball” again. I haven’t heard that song in ages and it still sounds great! After „Sovereign Light Café“ it really was over. The band took a last bow, said their good byes and the lights in the venue were turned on again. In the meantime, I quickly did the math, it was almost 8 years since I saw them last! Back then in the tiny Plaza in Zurich. Let’s hope it’ll not be another 8 years until I get to see them again.
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