Melanie Martinez was finally back on stage at Halle 622 this week and certainly put a spell on all the fans there with her colorful show. After being MIA for 4 years, the New Yorker singer found her way back last year, with her album “K-12”. All of our concert pictures can be found at the end of this post.
The audience at Halle 622 was super young, so young that many even had their parents with them. While the kids rocked out to Melanie Martinez songs, sang, danced and just enjoyed themselves, most parents were found on the side or in the far back 🙂
Melanie Martinez and her costumes
Melanies performance was, let’s say very special. Grown up people in babyclothes was just one of the “highlights” of the evening. Even though it might be very strange to some, the fans seemed to love it. Many even put quite some effort in their own outfits and came all dressed up. The show itself was definitely entertaining. After almost every song the stage was somehow changed or more props were added. One time you could see her sing while ironing, then she’d be up on a huge platform that seemed like 5m high showing everyone the finger 😉
While the seats up on the gallery were pretty much full, the standing area did still have quite some room. I wonder if the 4-year absence was just a little bit too long?
Either way, it was a very special experience I must say. Not just for me though. It was fun to watch the other people of my generation (yes, I do count myself to the “older” generation now), most of them stood there in awe and with open mouths. If it was because of the show or because they just enjoyed watching their kids all excited, I don’t know 😉
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