Every time Jeremy Loops, the South African with Swiss roots comes to Switzerland, he plays in a bigger venue! 3 years ago when I discovered him, he played at a small festival in St. Gallen. 2019 he’s playing at Halle 622 – it wasn’t sold out, but it was still a nice evening :). Jeremy Loops and his squad do know how to entertain.
I’ve been lucky enough to have seen Jeremy Loops a few times already, 3 years ago I was even able to do a short interview with him -> Interview with Jeremy Loops. That was the day I first got introduced to his music – and here we are, 3 years later and I still love it! After that show, I saw him at Schüür in Lucerne and last year at Volkshaus in Zürich.
But before Jeremy Loops took the stage at Halle 622, it was James Hersey turn. The Austrian singer who recorded the song “My People” together with Jeremy Loops, warmed up the crowd for the Loops Squad
Concert Pictures: James Hersey @ Halle 622
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As always, the atmosphere – especially in the front part of the venue – was super chill and relaxed. People were already dancing and singing from the very beginning. I spotted at least 2 South African flags too. After starting the gig with a bang, Jeremy at some point told the audience proudly, that he had around 20 family members in the audience tonight! How nice is that?This set was a nice mixture of his old and new songs. The middle part of the set (the acoustic, solo songs) seemed a bit long this time. Not sure if I was just not in the mood for it, or he really stretched that part out a bit too long. It somehow just didn’t fit and let the energy level go down quite a bit. As much as I like all his songs, I really was looking forward to hearing „Down South“ – this song just has such a cool vibe when played live. Oh, you can find a couple snippets of the show on our Instagram.
Small side note about the venue. The sound really isn’t the best, especially in the back part of the venue. But, I guess I can live with that. What I thought was way more disturbing, is the fact that in the back, the lights are kept on during the entire show. It seems like it’s way too bright and people act as if it’s a bar, never-ending chatter, so loud that at some point I wasn’t able to understand a word of what Jeremy Loops was saying up on stage. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper…
Concert Pictures: Jeremy Loops @ Halle 622
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