Better late than never. Jamiroquai, the British funk band finally made it to Hallenstadion, Zurich after they had to cancel their originally planned show last November due to Jay Kay – leadsinger of Jamiroquai – having issues with his voice. Luckily the new dates had been found rather fast and honestly, I think it was worth the wait. Here’s our concert review & pictures:
I’ve been lucky enough to have seen Jamiroquai several times already. Not just in big arenas but once also in a comparatively tiny venue (Kaufleuten). So I know what to expect from this show…

And here we go! The intro already gave us an idea on how colorful the show will be. Huge screens and even mire lights and lasers were already on and moving. The first song was surprisingly “Shake It On” off the new album “Automaton”… We didn’t have to wait long for one of the big hits to come up. Song nr 2 was one of my favorites, “Little L”. From the very beginning on lead singer Jay Kay uses the entire stage and runs from one side to the other. His fans thank him with loud cheers every time he comes close to them. Lots of dedicated fans have obviously waited for a long time to see their favorite band again.
Everything was perfect – music, voice and show!
In between songs Jay Kay apologized a few tines for having to cancel the show in November. Of course, we know now, that he really wasn’t well. So of course we forgive him, he seemed genuinely sorry about the cancellation. But in my opinion, he and the rest of the band more than made up for it. Talking about the band. They were absolutely incredible. Like I mentioned, I’ve seen Jamiroquai several times before and every time I’m surprised by how great these groups of talented musicians sound. Everything just fits perfectly. An amazing light show, great music, and then Jay Kays incredible voice. I swear I had to check and look very closely if it’s really live. His voice is just flawless. The 48 yr old really doesn’t show any signs of aging. He runs from left to right and still hits every note. I was out of breath just looking at him.

Absolutely loving Jamiroquai
After a few oldies like “Space Cowboy” or “Alright” some newer songs were on the setlist. One of them being “Superfresh”, which on the CD I somehow didn’t like that much. But live – that’s a whole different story. Funny how some songs just sound so different on CD. Even though the audience was way louder during the older songs, most of the people were now actually standing up and dancing. For Switzerland that’s quite the achievement. I honestly don’t understand how anyone could be sitting down during a show like this…
The next highlights were definitely “Cosmic Girl” and “Travelling Without Moving”. It then got a little quieter. The song “Runaway” seemed to be more like, the calm before the storm… The next song was then announced by saying: it’s time to boogie! It was time for “Canned Heat”. Again I realized how beautiful Jay Kay’s voice actually js and how smooth his moves were. You really can’t tell how old he is and that he just recently (not even a year ago) had to have quite a serious back surgery. Kudos Jay Kay!

Encore Jamiroquai Encore!
Of course every show has to end at some point… However we got to enjoy 2hrs of great music. After “Love Foolosophy” the band left the stage, just to come back up there for one last song… Afterall, one of the biggest hits was still missing. Once the iconic piano tunes were played, everyone knew, it’s time for “Virtual Insanity” – what a genius song! Can’t believe this was released in 1996! I just turned 12 that year, but i guess even back then I already knew what good music should sound like.
Before leaving the stage, Jay Kay had to bring up this one topic 😉 He said: I hear your next gig is Donald Trump! – He was referring to the recent news that Trump was coming to the WEF in Davos… Of course, there were plenty of people boo’ing, which made him say: Yeah exactly, make your voice heard! Someone get rid of him!! And that, ladies and gents, is how someone gets an extra 100 bonus points in their account 🙂
Here are all the pictures of the concert:
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