So this happned… The Chainsmokers played their first show in Switzerland and I was there. Yep, this wasn’t the typical show I would usually visit or write about… But I have to admit, it was quite the colorful und explosive show. I enjoyed myself and I’m sure most of the present people did too.
After the dutch duo THE HIM gave the audience a decent warm-up show there was a short break before The Chainsmokers finally found their way up on stage. At that point the predominantly young audience started pushing even closer to the stage; they seemed to be really excited.
The Chainsmokers performed at a sold-out X-TRA
The two New Yorkers didn’t need much time to get warmed up, barely up on stage they already had the entire audience jumping up and down and dancing like there was no tomorrow. As expected, there was a lot of climbing up and walking around on the DJ “booth”. Luckily, this time with no falls or tumbles, like a few weeks ago. So looks like Drew Taggart and Alex Pall both got off stage with no major incidents 😉
From the very start the show was full of energy. Every now and then those steam blasters were turned on, shooting out confetti and paper streamers. This seems to have energized the audience even more. Not often have I seen so many people dance (apart from in the clubs at parties obviously) and have a good time in Zurich. Naturally there were also a bunch of cell phones up in the air at all times, there was filming, snapchatting and facetiming going on. You could see that the people were rather young, not only because of their cellphone-habits. During the songs you could clearly see that songs like Justin Biebers “Love Yourself” was celebrated as if Justin himself was there. With slightly older songs, such as Dr. Dre’s „Still D.R.E.” there was a lot less noise 🙂
Sing-a-longs, mosh pits and Ken Bone signs
Especially during the well-known songs such „Closer“ or „New York City“ the crowd sang along like a boss! During “New York City” Alex apparently discovered a Ken Bone sign which then was recognized with a shout-out. I guess even in little Switzerland, the hype around the guy with the red sweater arrived. The audience was obviously in a great partying mood, of course there’s always that one person that sits in the corner bored out of his mind. Guess you can’t always make everyone happy… The majority though was happy, dancing and singing. And guess what, towards the end of the show, there was actually a little mosh pit going on. Wait what? Yep, not necessarily something you’d expect at an EDM or DJ Set in general. But I know at least 2 people that were super happy about it 😉
The thing with the encore…
As expected, we did have to wait until the very end to finally hear the mega-hit „Don’t Let Me Down“. It was worth it though. At that point I have already given up trying to take pictures, this was clearly mission impossible from where I stood. So I was dancing and having fun too (not that I didn’t have fun earlier…). Then it was time for the encore, here’s where my only “negative” point comes in. Sure enough they did come back out for the encore, they announced an unreleased tune – great! But then after what felt like 10 seconds it was over already and they were off the stage. Huuuummmm… ok. In my opinion a disappointing end to a otherwise really cool show.
Award-shower for The Chainsmokers
But so we don’t end this review with a negative point, here’s some great news! The Chainsmokers were handed a few awards that night. They received platin awards for „Don’t Let Me Down“ and “Roses” and a gold award for their song „Closer“. Congrats, well deserved!

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