Well, this was quite a different concert-experience, I must say! Thanks to SEAT I got to go to this years Seat Music Session at X-Tra in Zurich. I was especially happy about this invitaion because one of my favorite musicians was playing there this time. Remember, I’ve blogged about him before: Marc Broussard, a super talented artist from Louisiana.
But hey, we didn’t only get to see the show. Once we got to the venue we were able to go sit in during soundcheck! For a music-lover like me this is absolutely awesome! We get to be there when the artists and the band rehearse the songs, check their instruments and so on. Cool right? Also, the timing for us was perfect (or at least it was for me). When we got inside, Marc Broussard was the one standing there on stage. Wow… That guy has a voice! And finally I get to hear it live. I’ve been following him (not in a creepy way of course) ever since I saw this livestream of him in 2011. Of course I immediately pulled out my camera and started running around taking pictures (and yes, I was allowed to :)). Here are a couple:
The cool thing about the Seat Music Session is that the actual stage is in the middle of the venue. So the audience is sitting around the stage and get’s to see the musicians from pretty much every angle. Furthermore, the guests don’t have to stand around for hours, there are comfy little cubes you can sit on. It totally gives it a loungey and more like a jam-session kind of feel, rather than a „normal“ concert. Also the venues are typically pretty small which makes it very private and intimate.
After soundcheck we get to go have dinner. The pretty new restaurant Elle’n’Belle was where we’ll be fed. And- yep, it’s vegan baby! Oh oh, I’m a total meatlover… But I must say, I was pretty surprised. The food was actually really good! Also, we had quite the company at dinner. We shared our tables with the SEAT Ambassadors (who include the Band Myron and Swiss race car driver Christina Surer amongst others). Yep, here we are, sitting next to models, singers and Olympic Medalists (Gian Simmen just joined the ambassadors group recently).
Once we’ve finished our vegan meal we headed back to the venue. A quick drink at the VIP bar (which was packed with swiss VIP’s) and off to our seats. OK, so I don’t think we could have gotten any better seats. We were right behind the artists seats (where they waited for their turn to sing) in the front row. Definitely the best seats in the house! If only we could get this kind of treatment at all the shows 😉
This show definitely was quite the experience! Phil Dankner who also had his birthday that day created another magigal event! The artists this year were Ritschi, Jesse Ritch, Saint Lu and Cleo Higgins and of course my favorite Marc Broussard. Cleo Higgins definitely was my discovery of the night, that girl has a voice! She had me after the first couple of words of her first song. Incredible singer and beautiful. That she complimented me on my eyeliner (me of all people – I have no idea about make-up etc :D) later on was just another plus 🙂 My highlight of the night however was something else. An american singing a swiss german song? Yep, that really happened. Have a look how Marc Broussard surprised everyone with his duett with Swiss singer Ritschi
The great thing about the Seat Music Session is that the artists don’t only sing their own songs, but also team up with eachother to perform some really awesome covers. One that really amazed me was a cover of the Bee Gee’s „To Love Somebody“. Marc Broussard, Saint Lu and Cleo Higgins did such a great job on that song. Goosebumps all the way. The encore was pretty awesome as well. All the artists came back out and performed „Blame It On The Boogie“. What a great way to end the show. But then again, it was the last song, and another great night is coming to an end. This was my first time at one of these shows and I can honestly say – IT WAS GREAT and totally worth a visit. I’ll be back next year, for sure!
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