
Our regular readers probably noticed it already. We’ve got a new calendar on our website.
In the sidebar on the right you’ll see a list of all the events we’ve added to the calendar. A few of them we’ve tagged with a little * star – that means we will be on site too, or at least one of us will. So if you want to know where we’ll be at, just look out for the events with a star 🙂

And just for your information, all the events we post are concerts we either go to, would like to go to or think our readers would like. So this will not be a complete event calendar. And even though our blog is meant to be internationally read, we are still based in Switzerland and for now the calendar will only contain Swiss concerts

The menu has also been updated with the direct link to the calendar overview. So if you like to see an overview (per month), you can do that with one click

If you’ve heard of or are going to an event we don’t have in our calendar, you’re welcome to let us know. Just shoot us a tweet , Facebook Message or e-mail us at